Two Zhichenkhar Talk Series Initiative on 1)Artificial Intelligence and 2) Mental Flourishing

In April-June 2021, Zhichenkar is hosting two virtual zoom/facebook seminar series that engage Bhutanese and global experts in conversation on some of the great issues of our day: technological innovations and mental flourishing.
You are cordially invited to the online talk series on Artificial Intelligence and Mental Flourishing, organised by the Centre for Bhutan & GNH Studies with the International Society of Bhutan Studies.

This historic virtual seminar series will inform senior leaders and the talks will also be publicly available on facebook and youtube. Kindly click on the link below to register for the upcoming talks.

Seminars Series Archive

About Us

Centre for Bhutan & GNH Studies (CBS) is a social science research institute which conducts inter-disciplinary studies on Bhutan for advancing its social, cultural, economic and political wellbeing. It was established in November 1998 by the Royal Government of Bhutan and governed by rtsa khrims (rules and regulations). Ever since its establishment, we have been conducting research on Bhutanese history, society, culture, religion, economy, politics and related themes.

Its mandates, given in rtsa khrims approved by the Royal Government of Bhutan, are to:

  1. Study Bhutan’s development philosophy Gross National Happiness and GNH Index and indicators to inform public policy and development.
    2. Conduct and promote historical and contemporary studies of relevance to Bhutan;
    3. Conduct policy studies for the Royal Government of Bhutan;
    4. Commission research studies by Bhutanese scholars and institutions;
    5. Collaborate, at its discretion, with other agencies on basic research of mutual interest;
    6. Facilitate training in research skills and analysis through internships for Bhutanese individuals;
    7. Host lectures and seminars by Bhutanese and foreign scholars;
    8. Be a clearing-house for information about research conducted in Bhutan and abroad by institutes and individuals;
    9. Publish journals, occasional research papers, and definitive and authoritative documents on Bhutan; and
    10. Encourage research and publications in Dzongkha and English.


Disclaimer: Centre for Bhutan & GNH Studies  is often confused with GNH Centre based in Bumthang. Centre for Bhutan  & GNH Studies as an autonomous government institute studies GNH by deepening the GNH concept, developing GNH index and GNH indicators to influence public policy and development, and designing tools to integrate GNH into national planning process. GNH Centre is an NGO.


Edited on 8 June 2017.



GNH Certification

GNH assessment tool for business was initiated by Dasho Tshering Tobgay, the Prime Minister of Bhutan. He first presented the idea of aligning business towards Gross National Happiness at the Sixth International Conference on GNH in 2015. To this end, the Centre for Bhutan Studies & GNH developed and released Proposed GNH of Business, a draft tool for integrating GNH in business, at the Seventh International Conference on GNH held in Thimphu in 2017. The report introduced an assessment tool to evaluate a business’s commitment to social responsibility. The tool, inspired by GNH, is comprised of a holistic set of indicators categorised under the nine domains of GNH.

By admin 6th April 2018 Off